Sugar is in just about everything you eat, and it can kill you. It’s funny how people already know this but continue to consume massive quantities of sugar. Companies often lace their products with various forms of sugar to make the product more appealing… and to make you more (subconsciously) addicted to the product. It’s disguised by many names (I could cite them here, but in the interest of time, you can google them yourself 🙂 ).
Go ahead, eat that ice-cream, chug that soda (C**e adds life, right?), puff that vape pen (it’s only vapor, right?)… Don’t educate yourself about how excess gluten is devastating to your system. Heaven’s no! Just a spoon full of sugar makes… Oh, nevermind.
Among other things, sugar, especially processed sugar causes you to dehydrate from the inside out. My view is that death is a gradual dehydration of the body. Break the addiction or suffer the consequences. We’ll soon post resources to help you overcome the addiction once and for all on this site.
I LOVE this video!

Contact us if you need help cutting down on sugar.